Astro Isha

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     Dushamsthana is a term used to describe the sixth house, eight house and twelfth house in vedic astrology. The word du means bad in sanskrit. The word sham in the middle means to calm and sthana means house. So the word dushamsthana means the house where bad or evils are calmed. Sixth house, eight house and twelfth house are houses which eventually calm the bad karma of an individual. Sixth house governs sickness, debts and addictions. Eight house govers death, despair, divorce and suffering while twelfth house governs prisons and losses both personal and financial.

     Naturally not many people find these subjects fascinating. But knowing is believing and believing leads to a change. Till there is sickness there is no value for health, till there is death there is no value for life and till there is loss there is no value for careful spending. Various astrological text says the malefic planets (Saturn, Rahu, Sun, Ketu and Mars) are good in dushamsthans while the benefic planets(Jupiter, Moon and Venus) are bad.

     When you are going through bad times in your life its necessary to check the dushamsthana and transits affecting the dushamsthana. If there is debt, enemies and sickness than chances are there are bad planets affecting the sixth house. If there is death, divorce or despair in old age than chances are eight house is under bad influence at birth time or in transit chart. If there are personal or financial losses than chances are there are bad planets influencing twelfth house at birth time or in transit chart.

     Normally astrologers see the dushamsthanas when someone comes to them to complain about troubles that he/she faces. A person who knows astrology and how to read a horoscope should always check if there are problematic planets influencing dushamsthana via placement or aspect and try level best not to take any risky decision during those times.

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