Astro Isha

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    Aries is lorded by Mars. And Moon is a great friend of Mars. Having Moon in Aries is ideal in many ways. Mars is the planet full of energy and vitality. Similarly natives with Aries Moon are quite energetic and quick to get things done. Ofcourse there are negatives like hot temper and overtly sexual nature especially if nakshatra is Bharani. Career wise Aries Moon can produce quite a few doctors or pharmacists.

General Character

     Natives with Aries Moon hate procrastination. They are quick to get things done and don't like wasting time on thinking too much. On the downside they can mess things up when things require attention to detail. But on the bright side they won't let failures and setbacks affect their work. Aries Moon makes native hot tempered but behind the fierce exterior lies a gentle heart. They would be the first one to help others in need. If the need aries they could risk their life on line for those in need. Ofcourse being too hot-headed they cannot tolerate cheating, deceit or lies. If the need arises they wouldn't think twice before assaulting or abusing those who are wrong in their eyes. Another negative is their tendency to get frustrated and stressed easily especially when things don't go as planned.

     Ofcourse their hot temper is not welcomed by society. However they are very important part of society. Ones who are not afraid to call spade a spade. Aries Moon cannot tolerate wrong in society and they have God given ability to motivate and awaken the masses to fight against wrongs of the society.


     Natives with Aries Moon excel in career where work needs to be done quickly and efficiently. Those with Aries Moon can make excellent surgeons and doctors especially if Moon is in Ashvini and Bharani nakshatra. They could also make excellent criminal lawyers. Other good careers are in defence, law and order like police, military or peace keeping force. Aries Moon in ascendant can make one rise to top of management chain due to their quick, orderly and efficient work style. Aries Moon can also provide great career as a sportsperson due to their highly competitive nature.


     Aries Moon generally love being the dominant partner in relationship. In famale natives this can backfire especially in countries where women have less freedom. Aries Moon especially Moon in Bharani nakshatra gives a flirty nature. They must make sure not to avoid anything that can harm their marriage. Aries Moon can make one angry and sometimes critical of partner. Make sure not to be criticial or disrespectful in front of other people.

     Aries Moon cannot handle unfaithful, lying and deceiving partners. So if they are put in a situation where they feel they are cheated they won't react kindly to that. They have lots of sexual energy and won't mind being overtly physical when engaging in physical intimacy. Ofcourse depending on partner this may or may not go down well.


     Aries Moon isn't a bad placement. Ofcourse there are some negatives but plenty of positives as well. Those with Aries Moon should learn pranayam which can help channel their energy and anger. They must also eat less spicy, oily and salty food which can increase their anger and frustration levels. In a relationship its very important to avoid being too critical and angry at spouse especially in public. And in career its important to not get angry or stressed by other less productive staff members.

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