Astro Isha

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      The word Saturn invokes unparallel fear and trauma in the hearts and minds of people. Popularly known as Shani in vedic astrology, Saturn represents scarcity, fear, oppression, old age, misery, famine and poverty. Well that alone seems to put this humble planet in the category of worst of the worst. By all means Saturn can be said to be a malefic planet who brings adversities and havoc in our lives but the perspective has to change regarding how we look at adversities to understand the working of Saturn a little more.

     Saturn was appointed as Judge by Lord Shiva himself. A normal judiciary functions according to laws of the country and Saturn functions according to divine laws of karma. In simple words Saturn gives back what you sow. If you have done bad karma than Saturn would definitely punish you. But those who cultivate discipline, hard work, patience, fortitude and empathy are rewarded by Saturn. Saturn gives wonderful results to those who plan the long road to success with honest and sincere efforts and plan betterment of the community and world. But those good fruits take a long, long time to come. By that time your patience is tested to the limits and your ego and arrogance are washed away. You are new and renewed all dignified, kind and considerate to your fellow beings.    

     Saturn's association with most planets is bad.

    Sun and Saturn are father and son but natural enemies. They cannot stand each other and Sun's ambitious and enterprising qualities are not welcomed by the realist and pessimist Saturn. Saturn+Sun in the same sign in horoscope is a suggestion of Pitru Dosha. Even Saturn and Sun aspecting each other is no good and suggests troubles and low progress in life. 

    Saturn and Moon are mortal enemies. Saturn is negative and lacks emotions. Moon is caring and emotional. Both don't see eye to eye. Saturn+Moon in the same sign causes the cursed Visha Yoga. Saturn and Moon aspecting each other is no good either. Saturn alone aspecting Moon may not be that bad depending on horoscope sign and house. 

     Saturn and Mars are enemies. To be precise Mars is neutral towards Saturn but Saturn considers Mars his enemy. Saturn and Mars aspecting each other is a nightmare to have in horoscope. Saturn+Mars together is not always bad and may work in native's favor if it is in a favorable sign. In an enemy sign it causes troubles and disappointments. There is a possibility of native becoming a doctor performing surgeries or becoming a software/hardware/electrical engineer due to this combination.  

     Saturn and Mercury combination is good. Saturn views Mercury as a friend and Mercury is neutral towards Saturn. It may provide a great career in accounting, politics or even in information technology especially software development.

     Saturn and Jupiter have no personal enmity. But Jupiter is the significator of wealth, prosperity and well-being. While Saturn is associated with scarcity, negativity and famine. So when Saturn aspects Jupiter bad results follow. But if Jupiter aspects Saturn than results may be surprisingly good. Saturn+Jupiter is great for spirituality but not so great for materialistic life. 

     Saturn and Venus are the best of friends. It is not at all bad to have Saturn with Venus provided it is not very close. Saturn keeps a check on the spendthrift and excessive pleasure seeking qualities of Venus. 

    Saturn and Rahu is quite bad. It occurs once every thirty years and is called Shraapit Yoga. It causes huge, irrepairable losses, gives hardships, bad luck and miseries. If Sun or Moon are associated with Saturn+Rahu than the situation is far worst. 

    Saturn and Ketu is bad from materialistic viewpoint but great if spiritual advancement is considered.

     At the end of the day it all comes down to perspective. A simple, easy-going life is a choice of most but attainable by few. Those who believe in making lemonade, when lemons are provided fare much better in life then those who cry while looking at the lemons. Success is not defined by how high a person rises but how many times a person gets up after falling. 

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